Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Farewell to Mama....
Ya Allah,
Terimakasih telah Kau pilihkan untukku seorang mama yang hebat. Seorang wanita penuh kasih sayang yang mengajariku untuk menjadi wanita yang mandiri. Mama membekaliku dengan ilmu, kepercayaan, kebebasan berpendapat, dan sense of humor yang membentuk siapa aku sekarang ini. Mama juga yang senantiasa mengingatkan aku untuk tidak diam saja berpangku tangan menunggu bantuan dari orang lain; "Kerjakan yang kamu bisa, Shan. Jadi perempuan itu harus punya keahlian biar sedikit sedikit. Kamu harus bisa bantu suamimu nanti, jadi kalau ada apa apa kamu nggak kerepotan sendiri " dari situ mama pun mengajariku untuk menjadi kuat.

Mamaku adalah my hero. Beliau mengajariku untuk bisa baik baik membawa diri, berteman dengan siapa saja, "You can never have too many friends" sepertinya itulah nilai yang ingin ditanamkan mama kepada kami anak anak mama. Mamaku lucu, santai penuh canda dan yang paling berkesan buatku, mama didn't laugh at people she laughs WITH them! Mama bukannya menertawakan orang, tapi tertawa 'bersama' mereka....terlihat dari sikapnya yang juga tidak berkeberatan kalau beliaulah yang sedang jadi bahan tertawaan. Mama selalu berusaha bergabung bersama teman teman kami, aku dan Dimas, kalau mereka ke rumah. I have to say, hands down...mamaku is a cool mom! Semoga suatu saat nanti aku bisa menjadi Ibu yang baik untuk anak anakku seperti Mama. Amien.

Ya Allah,
Terimakasih telah Kau pilihkan untukku seorang mama yang penuh pengertian. Mama bukan saja seorang Ibu bagiku, tapi juga seorang teman yang bisa kuajak bicara segala hal. Mama was my best friend. Mama tidak hanya ikut tertawa disaat aku senang, tapi juga ikut menangis dikala aku susah. Mama mengajariku untuk "fight for what you believe in" yang cukup sering membuat aku jadi partner 'berantem' mama karena kita sama sama berpegang teguh dengan pendapat kita masing masing. Yah, Ma....jangan salahkan aku, ya kalau ternyata aku suka ngeyel, kan aku mewarisi itu dari mama :).

Ya Allah,
Terimakasih telah Kau pinjamkan untukku seorang mama Inoel selama 32 tahun hidupku. Seperti semua pinjaman, pada waktunya kita semua akan Kau ambil kembali. Walau dengan hati pedih karena kehilangan, aku ikhlas Kau ambil mamaku kembali ke pangkuanMu, Ya Allah...hanya doaku yang insyaAllah tidak akan putus, semoga Kau ampuni kesalahan mama, Kau terima amal sholehnya, Kau lapangkan dan terangi kubur mama dan jauhkan mama dari azab kubur, Ya Allah. Amien. Amien Ya Rabbal Alamiin.

Selamat jalan, Ma...I love you always,
Teteh Shanty Astarini Bachmid.

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posted by shantz at 3:41 PM - 2 comments

Monday, December 21, 2009
Mother's Day Special

Dear Allah,
tomorrow will be the day that Indonesian celebrate Mother's Day...a day that I thought was sort of taken for granted for years...well, not this year....not by me.

You might think I am over reacting a bit when I say being a mother *a good mother that is* is the hardest occupation ever existed in the face of the earth. Well what do i know, some might say...I am not a mother yet, but I do happen to have a GREAT mother. So I DO know.

Allah, as a daughter, I often thought that I am a lousy one...I ignore my mother at times...yet she still find ways to show her care by yelling at me...not one bit, she ignores me back.

When I was younger I used to be such a sneaky mean lil bi*ch by talking back at my mother...yet she held me when I was devastated by stupid puppy love broken hearts.

When I grew older, we became more like friends, my mother and I...we talk...we go places...we have our girlie adventures...we share.

I am realizing lucky i am to have such a lovable mother. How stupid I am not realizing any sooner. I am in need of my mother. She is my role model. She is my hero.

Allah, now my hero is lying helpless in a sickbed. Her strength shown in her eyes, but her frail body is failing her. Oh I wish I could do something for her.....I would have done everything ...ANYTHING at see her feel better. To take all her pain away.

Allah, i am nothing but your humble pupil...i am in no power to do all that incredible stuff upon my mother....but please listen to my prayers: Please take her pain away, Allah...please let her come home and be well again, I promise You that insyaAllah I will accept her with her post illness problems and I will take good care of my mother the way she took care of me when I was little. I promise I will do everything in my power to make her happy, to make her worry no more.

Allah, please give me a chance to try paying back all her good efforts in raising me, I realize nothing can ever be good enough...but at least, let me attempt to do so. I haven't done much for my mother. I have no special things to offer but all my love, all my prayers, all my strength...the strength I learned from the very best mother.

Allah, now you know how I feel about my mother. The woman I admire most. The woman that teaches me to be an independent girl, that is not afraid to believe.

Allah, please show Your mercy to my mother....grant me Your miracles....let us be a family again.

posted by shantz at 3:30 AM - 1 comments

About Me
Name: shantz
Jakarta, Bekasi, Indonesia
About Me:
simple-bawel-nyengir-ketawa gila,cicip-cemal-cemil lover, food addict,sing-a-long freak...all that made me ...ME
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