Saturday, November 8, 2008
Pacaran lagi....

in my opinion nih....You DO need to go back on a date with your partner once in a while...bukan dosa kok kalo kita kepingin menikmati the feelings of jadi 'orang pacaran' lagi...justru gue rasa it's therapeutically great dan bisa mengingatkan diri kita sendiri tentang all the goodies yang pasangan kita could offer :) you should try it...

Bayangin aja, di tengah kesibukan dan kehebohan kegiatan masing masing setiap hari, going home to a fully stressed out pod would mean 'danger zone' ya nggak? alangkah senengnya kalau sekali sekali (better make it a ritual of your own) couples bisa go out, enjoying themself...having nice convos tanpa harus ngomongin yang 'berat berat' walking around holding hands....just like masa masa pacaran. hehehe...

I just had one of my own pacaran moment last Thursday night....pacaran lagi sama Iman. We went to have nice dinner out, rencana mau nonton juga sih...tapi udah agak kemaleman for that, dan besoknya kita musti ngantor, so...nice dinner will do just fine. Such a mood indulger, kita berdua jalan tanpa arah yang jelas, cuma enjoying each others company aja...holding hands along the way, ketawa, bercanda, flirt sedikit-sedikit, trus ended up stopping di food court instead of one specific resto for our dinner. Kenapa? food courts give us the chance of having the right food for our own mood. Tau nggak, ternyata pemilihan tempat makan bisa juga jadi sumber 'berantem' pasangan, lho... karena kadang kadang yang satu lagi kepingin makan apaaaaaa.....yang lain lagi nggak mood makan itu. So, kata gue siiih, food court bisa jadi salah satu solusi cemerlang buat masalah yang kayak gitu. Make everybody happy, right?

Setelah jalan liat liat pilihan makanan yang ada, gue serentak sontak jatuh hati sama menu menunya poke sushi...gue pesen beberapa salmon sushi, dan kani salad accompanied by ocha dingin, sementara Iman menjatuhkan pilihan ke Soto betawi lengkap dan cold green tea. See how our menus are faaaaaaaaaaar different???? hehehehe...tapi benang merahnya masih di green tea alias ocha kesukaan kita berdua. We enjoyed the dinner. Iman seperti biasa blast through his meal, baru deh ngobrol dan komentar soal ini itu, termasuk cara makan gue :) Gue tipe tipe orang yang menikmati makanan gue melalui observasi, dan memuaskan semua indera gue dari mulai enjoying the smell of it, the look of it, sampai the specific taste of each ingredients...kata Iman gue pantas jadi food commentator, kalo kata gue, "pantes gue gundut". Hahahahha. I just plainly love food! But hey, you only live once...might as well enjoy it to the fullest kan? ;) hehehhe....

Anyway, gue menikmati banget acara pacaran kita malam itu, feels like a vacation...great food, great company, easy convos, keangkat semua capek gue seharian itu, baik physically maupun mentally. Hmmm...mungkin malah more than just that full day load, gue ngerasa i have become a happier person aja overnight. There wasn't you and me that night....just us, and i love that feeling. I am falling in love with my husband again. what a feeling.

To top it off, kita pesen desert berupa oreo mint blizzard di dairy queen sambil jalan menuju pulang. That was like 10 pm, dan we both giggling all the way...(even when Iman got us lost in that friggin big mall :p ) I truly feel blessed for having him by my side. Love you, bebe.

so....dare to try it? ;)

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posted by shantz at 11:11 AM -
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Name: shantz
Jakarta, Bekasi, Indonesia
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simple-bawel-nyengir-ketawa gila,cicip-cemal-cemil lover, food addict,sing-a-long freak...all that made me ...ME
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